KSLN attorneys understand the legal issues that community associations deal with on a day-to-day basis. For this reason, we pride ourselves in handling representative matters efficiently and being available for our clients as needed. We spend considerable time getting to know the board members and the issues facing your community so that we can successfully advocate on your behalf in the most cost-effective manner.
Our team possesses wide ranging experience which includes lectures and legal panel discussions on current-emerging industry topics and new case law. The attorneys in this practice group represent the interests of many homeowner’s association and condominium boards across New York. Whether a single family, townhome or condominium association, our attorneys regularly provide direction, guidance and legal services related to:
> Day-to-Day matters
> Monthly meeting attendance
> Corporate functions/election procedures
> Interpreting governing documents, rules and restrictions
> Revising governing documents, rules and restrictions
> Amendments to governing documents
> Enforcement of governing documents, rules and restrictions
> Controversial issues (leasing, smoking, satellite dishes, animals/support animals
> Collection of delinquent accounts
> Litigation and foreclosure matters
> Analyze offering plans/developer issues
> Evaluate maintenance/repair obligations
> Negotiate and review vendor contracts
> Review insurance and casualty related information